Sunday, January 16, 2011

I am a Troll Hunter.

There was an interesting thread on WoW's general forums about players needing to have more patience in PUGs (pick up groups). It's funny how the the more worthless people are, the more they expect to be handed on a silver platter. I guess they don't realize that the people who have silver platters weren't just given it - they earned it.

The response I posted:

"I read an interesting article that you can probably google- called, 'The Delicate Art of Trolling'. I wouldn't be too surprised if the OP'd is an illustrious troll among the troll community for being able to flame without directing threat towards him/her-self.

If the OP'd was sincerely trying to flame and troll (gz, you baited me), then the OP'd thread would be deciphered as: "I actually fail in all my groups but I'm coming on the forums disguised as a competent player. I'm pretending to be the person we should despise; I'm pretending to be the person with little patience - and even I am capable of training players who come off as being inept."

To continue on my rant that appears to be going on tangents left, right and center - I'd just like to say that there are many reasons why there are so many people that have high expectations. I have high expectations not because I'm super-raid geared and belong in some ranked top two hundred guild. When I ran 'Blackrock Caverns' and 'Throne of the Tides' for the first time (using the ten day Cataclysm trial that expired just two days ago), I first WoW-wikia'd the dungeons and read up on the bosses and what they did so I was able successfully complete each dungeon the first time and every time after. I spent at a good amount of time practicing the new Marksman rotational because it has changed dramatically from WotLK. Blah blah blah...

Either way, I put effort into making sure I wasn't a burden on my group and I expect that other players spend at least some time consulting the web to determine their roll in boss encounters. If you want to experience every boss fight without reading spoilers, then it would be courteous to the rest of us for you to do runs with friends and guildies - these are people who are willing to put up with your inexperience, or inability. Blizzard has already recommended this.

And if you are one of those inept players with a brain kink that seems to urge you to run your mouth off against players who spend time learning the runs, then continue doing what you've always come doing. Unlike most experienced players - those with expectations - I won't rage; I won't call you names; I won't start a vote kick to remove you. I will discretely get my pet to break CC so you get overwhelmed as the tank; I will quietly put misdirect on you if you're not the tank and get you killed; I will show you what it is like to be an inept player... what it is like to be a troll... what it is like to be you.

My hunter's mark is on you.
I am a TROLL hunter (pun intended)"

Posted here for your entertainment,
:D! Eric

Some things to discuss:
1) Why is patience considered a virtue? What is it wrong about showing how irritated you are when you have every reason to be?
2) Maybe you have an interesting anecdote (game related or not) to tell that is even vaguely related to the subject. Maybe go on tangent on how your actions in the anecdote were guided by previous experiences (family, religion, school, peer pressure, etc).

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