Monday, February 28, 2011

Currrrrrazy Crows

This is Oliver. Oliver says hi. Oliver will talk about crows? Crows are crazy smart and they're fucking organized. They have regional dialects which is fucking weird for animals. They have memories that pass on through generations because they tell each other stories about where to avoid and where to go. Hence, they do not appear on farms. They know sleight of hand. They store food, but pretend to stash food if being watched. That's sad but funny. You know what else is funny? They know how to use tools like monkeys, like hooked wires to get food. They can process thought really well. That is why crows are terrifying. This is my post. Enjoy my post.


  1. "...hooked wires..."

    Hahaha, oh man, just like that one time with the thing! Classic!

  2. AHAHAHA thank you Oliver for your amazing enlightenment of crows.. such an elegantly designed creature.
